Change log

Version 1.0.1

Substantial improvements and updates to online documentation. Renamed two util module functions to align with PEP style conventions specifically: Kolmogorov_Smirnov became kolmogorov_smirnov and calc_emp_CDF became calc_emp_cdf, also renamed util.load_data_file to util.load_data for consistency with util.load_statvar. Name changes are backwards compatible. Add interactive code snippets in online documentation, add conda environment file.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix prmspy script errors after prms-python installation with Python 2

Version 1.0.0

Stable version and first numbered release on PyPI. All functionality tested and passed on multiple platforms using several PRMS models.

Major submodules, classes and functions

  • data - Data

  • parameters - Parameters, modify_params

  • simulation - Simulation, SimulationSeries

  • scenario - Scenario, ScenarioSeries

  • optimizer - Optimizer, OptimizationResult, resample_param

  • util - load_statvar, nash_sutcliffe, and others

This version also includes the command line interface script “prmspy”. Ongoing work on Docs website, includes mostly up-to-date Jupyter notebook examples.

Version 0.1.0

First numbered version, was not setup for installation using PyPI. Many changes occured for initial development under this version which were not released.